IRIS Ventures S.G.E.I.C., S.L. (“IRIS Ventures”) is dedicated to upholding a strong commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles as an integral part of our business operations and investment strategies. This ESG Policy outlines our guiding principles and actions in these critical areas.

I. Environmental Responsibility


We strive to minimize our environmental footprint by promoting sustainable practices within our organization and among our portfolio companies. This includes implementing office sustainability practices such as reducing energy consumption, encouraging the use of public transportation and carpooling for employees, promoting recycling and waste reduction, and sourcing eco-friendly office supplies. Furthermore, we have adopted a 'train over plane' policy for business travel, favoring rail transportation over air travel whenever feasible to significantly reduce our carbon emissions. By integrating these practices into our daily operations, we aim to foster a culture of environmental responsibility both internally and within our investment portfolio.

II. Social Responsibility

Diversity and Inclusion:

We are deeply committed to fostering diversity and inclusion both within our organization and across the companies we invest in. We understand that diverse perspectives and inclusive cultures are key drivers of innovation and business success. In our hiring practices, we ensure a diverse candidate pool and employ unbiased selection processes. Our commitment to diversity extends beyond just ethnicity and gender; we strive for diversity in experiences, backgrounds, and thought. This approach enables us to build a dynamic team that reflects the diverse world in which we operate. Further, we engage with our portfolio companies to encourage the adoption of similar diversity and inclusion practices. This includes facilitating workshops on unconscious bias, promoting mentorship programs that focus on underrepresented groups, and supporting initiatives that drive diversity in leadership positions. Through these concrete actions, we aim to not only enrich our own corporate culture but also influence positive change in the wider business community.

Human Rights:

We firmly uphold the principles of human rights as a cornerstone of our corporate ethos. Our commitment to these principles is unwavering, both within our organization and in the businesses we choose to invest in. We adopt a strict stance against any form of discrimination and harassment. This policy is comprehensive and covers all forms of unequal treatment or harassment, whether based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or any other personal characteristic. Our internal policies are designed to create a workplace environment where all employees feel respected, valued, and safe. In addition to our internal policies, we extend these expectations to our portfolio companies. We conduct rigorous due diligence to ensure that these companies not only adhere to the highest standards of human rights but also share our commitment to creating inclusive and equitable workplaces.

Community Engagement:

We believe in actively engaging with the communities in which we operate and invest, and we support initiatives that contribute positively to local communities and seek to address societal challenges. Our ' IRIS Community Lens' initiative focuses on supporting local charitable activities, fostering employment opportunities, and participating in environmental conservation. This approach is designed to create meaningful, positive change in the communities around our portfolio companies. Additionally, our 'Annual TogetherbyIris for Female Founders' program emphasizes our dedication to diversity in entrepreneurship. This initiative provides mentorship, networking, and resources specifically for female founders, aiming to empower and support women in the startup ecosystem. Through these focused efforts, IRIS Ventures strives to contribute to societal advancement and community development, aligning our business success with the well-being of the communities we touch.

Parental rights:

At IRIS Ventures, we firmly believe in fostering a supportive environment that values and respects the life-changing journey of parenthood. Recognizing the significance of maternity, paternity, and adoption leaves, we are committed to ensuring that our principles and policies not only comply with regulatory standards but also go above and beyond to provide our employees with the care, understanding, and flexibility they deserve during this fundamental and precious time. We are committed to providing the necessary support, offering a foundation of stability that empowers our employees to embrace both their professional and personal roles with confidence and without fear. Together, we can create a workplace that truly embodies the principles of inclusivity and care, making our company not just a place to work, but a community that champions the well-being and success of every member.

III. Governance and Ethics

Ethical Conduct:

At IRIS Ventures, we prioritize the highest standards of business ethics and integrity. This commitment is integral to our corporate identity and is consistently applied in all our operations. We enforce these standards through rigorous training in ethical business practices, conflict of interest policies, and regulatory compliance, ensuring our team at every level embodies these principles. Internally, we maintain robust controls and auditing procedures to ensure transparency and accountability in our financial practices and investment decisions. Our organizational culture champions open communication, allowing team members to raise ethical concerns without fear of retaliation, supported by a clear whistleblower policy.

Ultimately, our dedication to ethics and integrity goes beyond mere legal compliance; it is about fostering trust and doing the right thing, underscoring our responsibility to our clients, investors, and the community at large.

Board Accountability:

When serving as board members, we exemplify and advocate for exemplary corporate governance. We emphasize the importance of transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making. Our involvement in board activities is guided by the commitment to these principles, ensuring that the companies we invest in benefit from our leadership and governance expertise. We actively encourage open communication, responsible oversight, and strategic guidance, aiming to set a standard for corporate governance that aligns with our core values of integrity and excellence.

Regulatory Compliance:

At IRIS Ventures, adhering to regulatory compliance is paramount. We rigorously ensure that all our operations and decisions comply with applicable laws and regulations. This commitment to legal conformity is ingrained in our organizational culture, where every team member is educated and held accountable for understanding and abiding by these standards. Our proactive approach includes regular training, internal audits, and a robust compliance framework, ensuring that our business practices not only meet but often exceed regulatory requirements. This diligence safeguards our reputation and forms the backbone of our responsible business practices

Transparency and Reporting:

We are committed to transparency and will provide regular reports on our ESG efforts to our stakeholders via our yearly Impact and Responsibility Report.

IV. Continuous Improvement

Feedback and Review:

At IRIS Ventures, we highly value feedback from our diverse network of stakeholders, including employees, investors, portfolio companies (PortCos), and other partners. This input is crucial for the continuous enhancement of our ESG practices. We have established open channels for feedback and encourage honest, constructive dialogue. Regular reviews of this feedback help us identify areas for improvement, innovate our strategies, and reinforce our commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices. By actively listening and responding to this feedback, we ensure that our ESG initiatives remain effective, relevant, and aligned with the evolving needs of our stakeholders and the wider community.

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